Wednesday, May 26, 2010

I just bought my tickets to Cadiz! Yay! Studying abroad is totally happening and I am so excited.

Currently writing a paper on why I "support universal healthcare," which is an absolutely lie, but I am a liberal arts major so sacrifices must be made (especially in group papers).

I also scheduled my interview to volunteer at Evergreen! I really hope it happens.

I had my first softball game of summer league on Monday. A double header. I am still sore.

Okay there are the bullet points of my life/highlights of my week.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Dear Biology Gods

I hereby swear to you my complete and utmost faithfulness. I will study you vigorously Monday through Wednesday in order to tackle my exam Thursday. I hope. Please be kind and let other smarter people become really dumb like me for a day.

I love you,

Monday, May 10, 2010

This is going to be the best week ever! I am not going to sleep and I am going to have so much fun!

GREEK WEEK! That means partying (if my homework is done, which it is...) and then Crescent Bar with Jake, Sam, Chris, and everyone! I am going to get tan, drink some strawberry daquiris, swim in a pool, and play a shit ton of sports. Pardon my profanity. I'm just so pumped!

SO EXCITED! Time to get gorgeous and go out with my "lovely little love," Jamie!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

So I'm in a really weird mood. I am feeling a mixture of laziness, motivation (???), sadness, and joy. First, I am feeling lazy because of my frantic studying on Sunday to prepare for my midterm yesterday (which BLEW) and being sick. I forgot entirely to do my postlab on Webassign so I had to take the automatic extension and get 40% off. Then I was too lazy to do all of my prelab so I only got 44% on that. (It doesn't actually matter because I ended up with 85% total in the class and you only need 60% to pass on the credit/no-credit lab course).

Regardless, my day seemed dismal because despite an iffy 3.5 on my Spanish paper, I didn't do as well on my exam as I wanted to. Yikes. Then I sat in bio lecture in a bad mood despite a cute little plant gift from my adorable old man professor-- I gave the plant to Jake to add to our roof-top jungle we're trying to grow. Dr. Ford is really funny. He frequently goes on tangents. Like today, we were learning about cell walls and how they have pectin, which is what you put in jams. He went on to tell a cute story about how he made lime marmalade and grated granny smith apples into it to thicken it up. Adorable!

Moving on... In physics lab I found out that my awful first physics midterm grade (79/100) was actually FABULOUS because my class is composed of even bigger dumbasses than me! The average was a 49. Hence my motivation to study, despite my more impertinent desire to be lazy because of my sickness.

Also, I went on the elliptical and did a mile and did some abs with Squeak so I'm not a complete sedentary slob.

Sunday, May 2, 2010


This weekend blew. Friday night I had the best time staying up all night vomiting from food poisoning and then wasting a precious Saturday wasting away because my digestive tract hates me instead of studying for my biology exam that I have tomorrow! Ahh! So now I am a day behind and can barely stomach oatmeal. I am feeling rather queasy and running on just ginger ale is not cool. Stress stress stress.