Tuesday, August 31, 2010




Oh yeah... I live here...


Here's my brief summary of my traveling and first day in Spain!

Sunday: I left my house for Seatac at 4:45 AM with Jake. He dropped me off and gave me a beautiful necklace which made me cry because I was going to miss him and he's a sweetheart. Made it through security, found Dani, and Jesse visited me! I proceeded to board a flight to Houston for four hours and we took off around 7:10 AM. Then, we had a tiny layover and took off to Newark and got in 20 minutes early. Again, a four hour flight. Had a slight layover then had a 7 hour flight to Madrid. Managed to sleep a little, but got progressively sicker. I took two sudafed and some ibuprofen in Madrid while we waited for 5 hours for our one hour flight to Jerez. Needless to say, I passed out before take off and missed landing completely. Dani woke me up.

Got to Jerez and my baggage didn't get lost! YAY! Took a 45 minute ride to Cadiz, met our host moms and went home. I napped until 10 PM Cadiz time and then woke up for 2 hours and then went to sleep after crying my effing eyes out. I was sick and homesick and I wanted to have my mom take care of me and talk to Jake on the phone.

Today, I woke up and it was okay. I had some toast and tea for breakfast and went to class from 9:15 to 1 PM. No big deal because we had a 30 minute break in between. After class, we went and got cells at Movistar and went to the beach after a lunch of lentil soup and fried fish that was super salty because I discovered my host mom smokes in the house. NASTY! Then I went home, checked my email in the plaza and we had a meeting. I got to talk to Jake and Sam on iChat after! It was so awesome to see Jake in a lumberjack shirt like usual. Miss him :) Dinner is at 9:30 PM here so I am going to head home soon!

More later!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Essay Time

Yesterday I drove to UW to pay my tuition. The concurrent enrollment office was closed, so I am going to try next week so that all my forms are in. The reality of my departure is setting in, but I don't really feel much more than anxiety. Truth be told, I am terrified despite how excited I am and how much I am sure I will love where I am going. I will miss my family, my boy, my dogs, and all of my friends. I will probably even miss Seattle, despite how much I say that I hate it and I want to move after I graduate.

I received my housing assignment. I am really close to school in old Cadiz which is what I wanted. I am close to the night life and more importantly, school. I can easily bus to the beach, which I will probably do (or walk four an hour! Get in my exercise!) whenever it's hot out. I want to visit Paris in the winter to see it with all of its Christmas swagger. I want to go to Portugal and maybe even Italy, but I am limited by time and finances.

My trip to China in July was intense. I am glad to be back. Beijing was gorgeous, crowded, and definitely not as hot as Guangzhou. Guangzhou was over 100 and completely humid. My grandmother is an insane woman. I am very thankful for that trip because it brought me closer to my cousin, Ashley, and I got to spend time with my grandparents. I'm not sure when I will see them next.

Life is insanely busy, but I feel like there's a constant lull because my busyness is mostly me being at work doing absolutely nothing.