Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Speaking Spanglish

Yesterday a pigeon WALKED on my foot! If you know me well, you know that I absolutely abhor feet and birds. Basically, a disease-infested flying animal touched my foot and I proceeded to scream and flail mid-tapas in Plaza de Catedral around a bunch of tourists, locals, and Semester at Sea kids who have been stealing all the wifi. (Oh, on a side note, it's not called pronounced "why phi" here, it's "wee fee!")

Also exciting, I ate a chocolate sandwich. It was a mini french bread with a hershey bar inside and was one euro of deliciousness. Everyone in my group knows that the majority of my diet consists of candy (Thanks, Jake. I had broken that habit!) so they teased me a fair bit, but then the conversation shifted to the weekend after this one. We are planning on going to Portugal for the weekend! It is going to be so fun. We will rent cars or something and drive over there, stay at a hostel called "The Rising Cock" (roosters are very important to the Portuguese), be tourons (tourist morons), and rage every night. I hope it works out.

I am thinking about what classes to take and it is down to the following:
-Lengua III (Span 303)
-Lit y Cine o Literature Española
-Geografía o Historía (although I heard that geography is way easier and the professor is great)
25 credits out of the way of my major! Thank goodness I'm in Spain...

Today I managed to FINALLY get into "la gorda que te da de comer." We have tried to get into there and after 4 failed attempts (it was closed), we finally got in. We had "muerte del chocolate" or death by chocolate which was a rich moist chocolate cake and I think I fell in love. I will be returning there.

And, as usual, off to the beach!

1 comment:


    Its gives you super powers! what's there not to like?
