Thursday, September 9, 2010

You Can Light the Fire That's in Your Head

At the beach today, I had Dani's iPod plugged into my ears and I listened to "Walking" by The Dodos while I watched the waves crash and the water flow all the way up to the ledge where we were sitting. The song itself is a subdued anti-war protest, but more importantly encourages change. I am definitely experiencing a change- new environment, new people, new culture, new schedule, etc. However, I am still stuck with some of the same old... Like a shitty schedule!

Rita, our program coordinator, essentially set up the schedule so that we had to be in school five days a week. She is forcing me to take Literatura Siglo de Oro. It's probably the worst Lit class ever. Gotta love the 1500s... Anyways, here's my new schedule. Full of awkward breaks, just like UW. I hate you, Rita!

11-12:30 Literatura Siglo de Oro
9:30-11 Linguistica
11-12:30 Lit y Cine
10:30-12 Lit y Cine
12-2 Lengua III
9-10:30 Geografia
Awkward break!!! Studying, perhaps?
12:30-2 Literatura Siglo de Oro
9:30-11 Linguistica
11-12:30 Geografia
12:30-2:30 Lengua III

I also have been finding the best places to eat. La Gorda Que Te Da De Comer has an excellent cake called muerte del chocolate and a spicy chicken satay. 100 Monditos has my delicious chocolate sandwich and this great one with ceasar dressing, smoked salmon, and deep-fried onions for a bit of a crunch with each bite. Last night was everything for a Euro so I had both of those sandwiches and a beer. Delicious! Although after my sandwiches my beer was pretty gross. Definitely going to Tinto de Verano next time :) That is basically sprite and red wine together.

Tonight... Salsa dancing?

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