Friday, December 10, 2010

All Stress...

But nothing to worry about?!

I do not live in the real world. Circusland is getting a little much for me to handle because of how ridiculous it is. I slaved away all of yesterday and this morning trying to memorize every minute detail for my Linguistics exam. I was in the Cafeteria reviewing with friends on the verge of sleepless, fearful, stress tears when my professor waltzed in and used "teacher magic" to calm me. Unfortunately, when she left again, I fell right back into my frantic cramming mode.

Turns out, I wasn't screaming the F word the entire time I was taking my exam. I actually feel like I did fairly decently. I am really happy about that. She told me not to worry, but I did and for no reason.

Also, my history class was only 30 minutes instead of an hour and a half and my Lengua class was canceled. Needless to say, I curled up in bed all afternoon with a mug of tea and plenty of Dexter to stream online.

Brit managed to get me out of bed and I got my Secret Santa gift on lockdown. Who my Secret Santa is is a mystery. I lost the paper. I will keep searching. I always find everything.

Still need to write about Italy, but not feeling too motivated at the moment.

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