Sunday, December 5, 2010

I am behind

I have not updated my blog in ages. I have yet to talk about my trips to Paris, 3 stops in the East of Spain, Brussels, and I am currently in Italy typing this entry on a broken keyboard... The reason I have been so lame about blogging is simple. Spain school got hard all of a sudden. Before I knew it, I had lots of essays and tests due. My 10 page single-spaced essay written in another language about a set of short stories from the Romantic era was none too easy to tackle. I also had an essay about theater from the Spanish golden ages, an exam on that class covering work from September, and another essay on a documentary from 2004 about Pais Vasco. My time in Cadiz consisted of me hiding from the rain (yuck) in my warm room, drying my clothes over my space heater, or in the library working hard or hardly working. I will be following this post with some photos from the places I went to, but here goes a long post about my travels.

Paris was absolutely beautiful. I am remembering this from the beginning of freaking November and it is now December... Oops. I left Cadiz early early Friday morning. My friend Lindsay and I went to the airport together and flew in together. Both of our girls were arriving later that night so L and I got some delicious Chinese noodle soup by her hostel and went to the Moulin Rouge and looked around in the scary sex shops. They were funny more than anything and I tried to contain myself because I know some people shop there for real. I met up with Nicole later that night and we went to our apartment. It was really big and comfy. We were not really hungry so we went and got some crepes on our way over and retired for the night.

The next morning, we woke up and saw the Notre Dame, some fountain right across the river that is pretty and famous whose name I forgot... And went on a free walking tour to see what Paris had to offer.

Over the weekend, we made it to the Lourve for free (it was the first Sunday of the month), did a little bit of shopping, had Starbucks, ate escargo, lamb braised in wine, and attended the end mass at the Notre Dame. It was a blast and a beautiful city. My favorite part was going up the Eiffel Tower at night with the lights on the city. We came down and saw the lights sparkle. It was really beautiful. I am sure I am missing more things like how when we tried to go out on Saturday, a drink cost 10 euro and they would NOT let you go dance unless you bought something.

The week when I came home, I spent lots of time doing school work. We only had class Monday through Wednesday because on Thursday we went to Caceres and the Salamanca. We went to a museum in Caceres and looked at the lovely architecture and country side, but there was not a lot to do during the siesta. We spent over 8 hours on the bus that day, but had a blast in Salamanca that night getting delicious tapas for 1 euro each. I got shrimp and mussels! We went out and I got a Guinness on tap. I miss Ireland. The next day, we saw the University & Cathedral, but I was very upset that I couldnt have a little chat with Jesus because ever Spaniard was screaming "ma o meno". In a house of GOD none the less... We had a blast in the cold! Que refresco. The nicest hotel we stayed at was in Merida. I got to spread my arms out! It was great. Slept the best in months. Danielle and I did a little facemask session in our room and then we wandered around hanging out with our groupmates because it was our last time together. The next morning, we toured Roman ruins and I discovered that I am really good at taking jumping pictures. We headed back to Cadiz and got in in time for dinner and more homework.

On Friday evening, Kristen and I left for Brussels in hopes of a successful time at the Christmas market. It was successful! I found so many presents and spent way more money on chocolate than I thought was humanly possible. For dinner one night, Kristen and I met this girl named Andrea from Carolina and we went and ate at an African bar. We were the ONLY tourists because it was a random local dive we found. Nine euro for all you can eat food with flavor? Yes please! There was a legit carousel too. It was freezing, but fun! We went to a bar called Delirium that has over 2000 varieties of beer. Ay, que pena... I havent gotten sick from drinking at all in Europe and that was no bueno. I only had 3 beers over a few hours! What the heck.

When I got back, it was slave labor with my homework. No rest for the wicked I suppose.

Now, I am in ITALY! We left on Thursday and flew into Barcelona, spent the night in a nice hotel, and flew out early morning for Roma. Rome is gorgeous. I spent a lot of time in the Colosseum. Kristen, Abel & I took senior photos. We went all over and met 2 wicked funny Aussies. We played around more and then left via the train for Florence where I currently am!

More later...

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