Friday, December 17, 2010


Italy seems so long ago that I can't remember it. I am lying in bed with a bad case of a resaca at 3:15 PM on a Friday and attempting to organize packing in my head. I leave Cádiz in about 12 hours. I don't even know what to do with myself! But that is a story for another time.

We left Thursday night to Barcelona and spent the night there, leaving to Rome really early in the morning. We got off of the plane and saw a DOUBLE RAINBOW! After a bus ride into town, we checked into our hostel and went exploring. We saw Roman Ruins, some big ol' buildings, the Trevi Fountain and the Colosseum. We spent a lot of time in the Colosseum messing around. We also visited the Vatican and Kristen and I attended mass. It was surreal being in places so old, powerful, and famous for those reasons. I loved Rome. We ate a lot of yummy food: pizza and pasta.

At dinner the first night, we sat next to a pair of Australians and ended up talking to them and eating dinner with them for 3 hours. They were hilarious and argued about whether or not camels ruined the vegetation while making wild gestures with their steak knives. Straight out of the outback! We had a few drinks and then I went to bed kinda early. I was super tired from Brussels and catching up on schoolwork (a 10 page, single-spaced essay on Spanish Literature from the Romantic Era that I am happy to report I got a 3.9 on!) that I hadn't slept much during the week.

Kristen and I were in a room with 4 British guys who came back drunk at 4 AM and tried to wake me up (I don't wake up easily at all), but failed and only woke up Kristen. They proceeded to harass her and being a good sport, she played along, yelling at them to go to sleep. Poor girl couldn't sleep! We left that afternoon for Florence.

The train ride was about 4-5 hours and pretty long, but I was really happy when we got there. Our hostel was the most legit hostel of my life. It was super social, but the rooms were quiet and the beds were comfortable. Unfortunately I froze to death, but I can't heat my own body so it's my own fault. We walked around the town, did a lot of shopping, saw some sweet sculptures and architecture, and ate the best food of my life. Florence is my favorite. The huge cathedral is called the Duomo, which we thought meant dome because of the big dome on it, but really it means cathedral. Regardless, our duomo/dome joke still lives and we taught it to our British roommate in the Hostel. We took him to dinner with us, got tipsy off of wine, and then Abel told Kristen and I to parcour so we did... The 15 minute walk home. My only upset moment happened when we couldn't see The David. The hours they had posted were wrong and it just didn't work out. I was sad.

We took a long train ride through Siberia (actually just cold Italy) to spend the night in Venice. Initially we were going to spend more time there, but it was raining and cold and miserable so we just enjoyed a night in a cozy bed and breakfast. I slept like a baby. Venice is stinky and everything is hard to find. Definitely not one of my favorite places, but still beautiful and very cool.

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